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There is evidence to show that food eaten by young people at school affects their behaviour and ability to learn.


By committing to a regular school meal you can be sure your child is eating well at lunchtime.


It’s just as important to make sure that the lunchbox children bring to school provides as healthy a balanced lunch as when they eat at home.


This means plenty of foods that contain the nutrients that children need, and fewer foods that are high in sugar and saturated fat.

Packed Lunches


The NHS recommends that a balanced packed lunch should contain:

Starchy Foods

Starchy Foods

These are bread, rice, potatoes and pasta, and others.



These are meat, fish, eggs, beans and others.

A dairy item

A dairy item

This could be cheese or yoghurt.

Veg, Salad or Fruit

Veg, Salad or Fruit

Vegetables or salad, and a portion of fruit.

Starchy foods are a good source of energy, and should make up a third of the lunchbox. But don’t let things get boring. Instead of sandwiches give kids bagels, pitta bread, wraps and baguettes. Use brown, wholemeal or seeded bread, not white bread. Children often like food they can eat with their fingers, so chop up raw veggies such as carrots or peppers, and give them houmous or cottage cheese to dip the veggies in. Breadsticks and wholemeal crackers are great finger foods and they can be spread with low-fat soft cheese or eaten with reduced-fat cheddar and pickles. Replace chocolate bars and cakes with fresh or dried fruit. Vary the fruit each day and get them to try new things, like kiwi or melon.

School Dinners


So what are the benefits of enjoying a school lunch? All menus are nutritionally balanced and conform to the government’s national nutritional guidelines. Children can sit down together and enjoy their meal, whilst at the same time developing those social skills of eating together that are so important in later life.


A well-fed and happy child is more likely to be receptive to participating in the afternoon’s activities. Someone else preparing and cooking lunch for your child, which saves you worrying about a packed meal every day. School dinners are £2.80 per day, £14.00 per week. We no longer accept cash, all monies are paid electronically through Pupil Asset. Please contact the office if you do not have an Pupil Asset account.

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