A proud member of


Please contact a member of the Safeguarding Team if you have any concerns about a pupil at school or if parents would like further information regarding the safeguarding of children then please follow these links:




Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership

Waterton Academy Trust Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement

Walton Primary Academy Safeguarding Policy


Employee Code of Conduct

The online resource for children and young people in Wakefield

Wakefield Children’s Charter

Children and young people in Wakefield want to feel safe and be well cared for. As a result they have created their own safeguarding charter. This charter explains what our children and young people expect of the adults who look after them.

The staff and governors at Walton Primary Academy are fully committed to the Wakefield Children’s Charter.

Click to download the Children’s Charter poster.

Click to download an information booklet about the Children’s Charter.


Relationship Matters

Are you worried about a young person?


To get in touch with our Safeguarding Leads, they can be contacted via the school office: 01924 255960 or by emailing waltondsl@watertonacademytrust.org


Mr Thorpe

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss Fahy


Safeguarding Lead



Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Tomlinson


Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Smith


Link Governor


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